No, friends. More like: Do you want to VR wack to an animal cartoon character?
Now, granted: the horse lady doesn’t look super furry. But, hell… furry fun times sounds kind of catchy… Anyway…
… let’s be honest here, folks. Fellas put on VR HMDs and play a VR porn movie so they can
have an enhanced masturbation experience. I mean… we’re straight with each other over here, right?
So, how do you feel about the furry, horse-lady? I’m serious man. I’m wondering if that type of thing gets your man motor purring.
So, look… this is the judgment-free zone. (Not really). If you’re aching to shove your dipstick in a Horse Lady, I ain’t gonna slag you. (I probably will, actually).
It’s the twenty-first century, and anything goes, man! (That’s the whole problem!) Why am I doing the whole parenthesis question-and-answer thing? (I don’t know, man! I just sort of started doing it!)
All right, let’s get serious here!
We’ve got Horse Lady VR to discuss. Oh, me oh my… I had to name this website Find VR porn. Thus, I’m obligated to discuss VR Horse Lady pussy… But, it’s my job to search-out VR porn: so, the visitor can simply come here and find all info in one spot.
Oh, fuck me! I shouldn’t have dropped-out of truck driving school. I could be smoking crank and driving a big rig across the beautiful Nebraska plains… and, instead I’m talking about sex with cartoons!
So, what am I talking about here?
Is there some informal rule that I need to type out a couple hundred words before saying something of actual substance?
And, if there is that rule, WHY MAN? WHY?
Readers want you to get right to it.
Don’t tell me what my readers want! I know their literary preferences!
Okay, so what we’re talking about is Yiffalicious.
What the fuck is Yiffalicious?
Well, they’re the folks who are raising money for a noble project.
What project?
Well, one that will facilitate fantasies of you being a horse man doinking a horse lady in virtual reality. What else?
Why is their project noble?
You tell me, man! I was just trying to sprinkle in some dramatic language for effect!
Well, they’ve got 710 patrons who are pledged to give $7,026.21 per month. That’s a lot of hay and oats, man! So, make no mistake… this Horse Lady’s pootanannie is in high-demand!
All right, but what are we really talking about here?
Okay, in their own words:
“Yiffalicious is a dynamic yiff engine in 3D that’s all about user freedom and interaction. By offering a fully fledged pose editor and utilizing advanced technologies such as procedural animation and real-time dynamic mesh morphing, we are aiming to create an unprecedented level of interactivity and detail.”
But, what the fuck does that mean?
I don’t know either. Let me try to quote something else and see if that helps:
“With the integrated yiff editor you can set up custom character interactions as you desire. Pose characters, tweak properties and press play to see it in action!”
All right, let me give you the too-long-didn’t-read … although, if you’ve made it this far: you actually did read! Oh, damn it! Life is filled with these built-in Catch 22 paradox sort of stuff!
Okay, so this is how Yiff strikes me. You can use your computer to control how the horse people fuck each other: complete with jiggle and impact dynamics, snapshots, POV, Fully dynamic orifices (don’t know what the fuck that means), sound effects and context sensitive interface (don’t know what that means either).
But, you make the Horse People do what you want. And, although this isn’t presently in VR. They say it will be soon. As will… wait for it… Fox Femboy! Hey, I couldn’t make this stuff up!
And, no doubt over the months and years a lot of this sort of stuff will make it to VR…
So, I try hard to be honest with you. And, I now have to discuss my feelings about this… Do I find anything erotic about nonhuman, cartoon porn? Is it even correct to say cartoon porn? I don’t know man… This article is making me tired!
As for me…. No, these copulating horse people don’t get my man motor purring.
But, the question: is there any sort of cartoon VR that could? Oh, I don’t know…
What would I try? Um… no.
So, this would fall into the fetish category. Normally, I make a declaration here. But, there’s presently no VR content. So, we’ll skip that today, friends.
The End.