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Not Many Legit VR Porn Reviews On The Internet

James FindVr Porn Leave a Comment

Where are scenes actually getting critiqued now?

I’d actually argue now that I can’t review individual scenes as much (I have to spend more time updating studio info and researching studios/VR technology developments and my other projects)…now that ActionIsGo doesn’t seem to be around anymore…nearly all of them slip through the cracks. There’s really not anywhere else that objectively (non-agenda…non-corrupt Reddit) reviews VR porn scenes. There’s really nobody else who provides an actual review schema explaining why one thing is praised more than another. I’m not talking about people “writing reviews.” I’m talking about what we do here where’s there is a clearly articulated review schema!

That’s not hype or bullshit. Just stating the facts. If I’m wrong, say so in the comments. INDEED! And, Google’s results are just absolutely overrun by spammy bullshit that is very good at gaming the search algorithms with bullshit schemes and tactics.

There’s not really anyone who just points out outlier VR porn scenes. Reddit is totally corrupt now. It’s not just the Oculus NSFW subreddit and its pinned affiliate links to the top: I’ve already exposed it as being a crooked little cesspool. It’s actually all of fucking Reddit writ large!

Check that shit out. 92 out of the top 500 subreddits on Reddit are controlled by just 4 people. That’s what I have suspected for years now, but I had no idea it was that totally fucked-up!

I remember when Reddit started in 2005. I was lucky that I stumbled across it right at the start. It was so fucking cool at the beginning. There were no subreddits. There was just a front page: popular posts. And, it was so fucking cool. Those days are long past. It’s all over, man, in every imaginable way. There ain’t no turning the world back now. Just turn off the news and fire-up your Quest 2 and lose yourself in 3D porn…

Being a subreddit “moderator” is now a full-time job with all sorts of sneaky back-channel income streams. That’s why the “VR porn subreddits” stopped being legitimate information sources probably around 2018 or so…right around the end of 2018. BECAUSE OF DA MONNNNAY! (Thank you Teddy Long!)

When I look at the mass media (that includes Reddit! …make no mistake) along with so-called Independent Media, the conclusion I reach is rather pessimistic. There is no fucking hope. It’s all corrupt. And, they all conspire to crush the few lone wolf, independent voices out there. That’s just how it fucking works.

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